Vet Visit Tips: From Scheduling the Appointment to the Day-Of

Taking your fur-baby for a vet visit is stressful, not only for you, but for your pet too. If you’re looking for some things you can do to make these appointments easier on both of you, then keep reading!

Not many humans love going to the doctor, so we can sympathize with pets who vibrate with nerves when they realize they’re headed to the vet. The whole process can be stressful on everyone, and we’re familiar with the guilt associated with taking your pet to the vet.

This is why we’ve compiled some tips to make vet visits just a little bit easier on you both.

How to schedule your vet visit

You may be thinking that all you need to do is call and book the appointment, the end. While in some instances, that’s perfectly fine, it’s not always the best way to go about it. Here’s what you should do:

Be prepared

When you call to make the appointment, explain to the receptionist exactly what the appointment is for (is it an annual check-up or is your pet ill?). Ask them what you need to bring with you. Do they require a poop or urine sample? Do they need any medical records if your pet went to a different vet previously?

Related: So You Have a Sick or Injured Dog or Cat – Here’s What to Do

It’s important that your fur baby’s doctor has all of their health records, any vaccines they’ve had, or previous procedures and health scares. All of that information is important to have on record before heading to your vet visit.

Check-in with the receptionist

If you have a new puppy who has had hardly any vaccines, check in with the receptionist to find out when the vet will be least busy, so your pup comes into contact with fewer people and other animals.

If you know your furry friend is absolutely petrified of the vet, then ask when the quietest time is for you to come to try to make things a little easier for your pet.

Avoid trying to make last-minute appointments if you’re trying to book for a specific time and day.

We know sometimes there’s an emergency and things can’t be done how and when you’d want to, but those are rare instances.

Have a look at your pet insurance policy

Give your pet insurance a once-over to see what’s covered and what might not be. This way, you are prepared and can make the claim quickly and with ease.

If you haven’t considered getting pet insurance yet, we HIGHLY recommend that you do. You can find out more about it here.

Related: 3 Things You’ve Gotta Know Before You Compare Pet Insurance Companies

Making the time at the vet a little easier

Now comes the time for your appointment, this is what you need to do to make the vet visit as relaxed as possible.

Before you get to the vet

  1. Try to get your pet used to being touched and handled. This will make it easier on them and the vet. Did you know that dogs and cats who have their mouths, ears, bellies, and feet touched on a regular basis are more likely to remain calm during an exam?
  2. Like we mentioned above, be prepared. Ask if there’s anything you need to bring with you or any tests or procedures your pet may need.
  3. Safety first. If your dog is aggressive, train them to wear a muzzle and bring them in wearing it. When having it on isn’t an unusual experience, your dog will not be as resistant, and everyone’s safety will be assured.
  4. If you’re bringing in your kitty, make sure they’re in a comfortable and secure cat carrier.
  5. Maybe bring some treats with you that you can give to your pet during their vet visit to keep them on the happier side.

Related: What to Expect When You Visit a Vet With Your Pet For the First Time

While you’re waiting

  1. Make sure you get to your appointment on time or even 10 minutes earlier if you’re new and need to fill out any of your details.
  2. If you have an anxious dog, make sure you ask if you can wait outside and walk your dog around while they’re on a leash to keep them a little more preoccupied.
  3. As we mentioned above, make sure your pet is secure, either on a leash or in a carrier. It’ll make the world of difference for your appointment.
  4. If your pet is especially nervous, consider asking your vet to recommend something that can keep your furry friend calm.

During the appointment

  1. If you’ve had some specific concerns, make sure to bring a list of them so you and your vet can chat about them. This way, you can have a productive conversation with your vet and ease any concerns you have and get your pet the proper care they need.
  2. Consider leaving your children at home if you have any. Small children can be nervous about their pets, which can cause your pet’s anxiety levels to rise. They also might make your pet very excited rather than focused on the task at hand.
  3. Provide your pet with some level of comfort either by talking to them, stroking them, or by being a calming presence for you. You are their safety net.
  4. Listen to the vet and provide assistance where needed but also remember that your vet knows exactly what they’re doing!

Once you’re home

This is when your pet’s health comes down to you. Make sure you follow the vet’s instructions regarding any medication, food, training, rest, or follow-up vet visits.

These are our top tips to make vet visits a little easier on you and your fur baby. We know seeing the doctor isn’t always the most fun, but it’s got to be done!


Yours In Not-So-Average Pet Advice,

The Team
