Pet Accident Cover: The paw-fect plan for budget savvy pet-parents

Peace of mind could cost as little as R80 a month with Pet Accident Cover.

If you’re a pet person the way we’re pet people, we won’t need to tell you about how we worry, love and care for our beloved furry friends. Sure, this includes the fun walks and soaking-wet bath days, but it also includes making sure your pet is protected at all costs.

We’re talking about pet insurance.

Having a pet is a pricey endeavour – you may be shocked to find that you’ve taken on a slightly cheaper child into your home. With vet bills becoming jaw-droppingly expensive (all with good reason), you need to find a way to prepare yourself for any out-of-the-blue bills.

Who needs pet insurance?

You! YOU need pet insurance. Here’s the thing: stop assuming the unexpected won’t happen. Instead, expect the unexpected and find comfort in the fact that you have taken preventative measures you get you through! In the same way that you (hopefully) ensure your health, home and vehicle, you should insure your pet.

Discover: What Happens If I Buy Pet Insurance After My Pet Gets Sick?

Looking after your fur baby should never compromise your financial stability, which is something we believe very strongly in. Which is why we’ve dedicated this blog to telling you about why accident cover is a great option when it comes to pet insurance.

What is an accident?

Accidents happen and boy, they can be expensive. An accident that happens to a pet is an unexpected incident that causes them bodily harm and needs emergency medical attention.

For an accident to be covered by an accident plan, the wounds need to be physical and obviously caused by the accident (being hit by a car, falling from a height or swallowing something they shouldn’t have). An accident is not a slowly developing illness like sore joints or sore bones – there needs to be an instant cause and effect.

What is an illness?

An illness is a disease or sickness that started after your pet insurance cover started. Accident plans typically do not offer illness cover, but other more comprehensive plans do.

Choosing an Accident Cover Plan

A Pet Accident Plan is the most basic pet insurance policy you can get and is perfect for pet parents who want to protect themselves with basic bill coverage in the event of an accident.

You can have a maximum of 8 pets per policy, and the best part about this kind of plan (at least, if you’re with Oneplan Pet Insurance) is that it doesn’t discriminate against any old-timers but your pet needs to be older than 8 weeks old.

Related: Senior Pet Care: The Importance of Pet Insurance

We love Oneplan’s Pet Accident Plan because it costs only R80pm and covers you for the following:

Accident Cover: R8 500 annual Accident Cover

Burial/Cremation/Euthanasia Cover: Up to R1 500 and forms part of your annual limit

It covers you for the things you can’t control (especially if we’re talking about a boisterous puppy or curious kitten) like car accidents, burns or electrocution, animal fights/attacks, near drowning, poisoning or swallowed foreign bodies – when Jock swallows a rock or something.

It also covers you for any trauma that results in punctures or wounds, lacerations, abrasions and fractured or broken bones.

Please note that these prices are reflective of the date that this article was written. For up-to-date pricing, please follow this link.

Should you consider something more?

If you are happy with your decision to pay your own routine vet care bills and for non-accident-related surgeries and illnesses, then a Pet Accident Plan will be what you’re looking for. But what if your dog does fall ill?

Read this: The Vet’s Guide to Cat and Dog Vaccinations

If that sounds like it doesn’t cover enough, you should explore Oneplan’s Pet Primary Plan from R160pm or their Pet Hospital Plan from R190pm. These plans include greater coverage (with the Primary Plan also covering R1000 per year for vert visits) so that you can worry less about any out-of-pocket vet bills.

At the end of the day, every sacrifice you make for your pet will be worth it. Although they can’t thank you with their words, their health and wellbeing say it all.

Yours in Not-So-Average Pet Advice,

The Team


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