3 Things You’ve Gotta Know Before You Compare Pet Insurance Companies

Happy, dog and man with laptop, home and patting of animal, smile and loyalty for owner in apartment. Love, person and research for pet health insurance, online and care for companion and house.

Congratulations! If you are reading this, it means that you are already halfway to being the best pet parent around as we show you EXACTLY what to look out for when you start to compare pet insurance options.

Deciding to take out a pet insurance policy is an exciting time. All of a sudden you know that you are going to be covered in the case of an emergency, your pet will soon have access to the best vets, and you don’t have to break the bank for any of it. What a dream, right?

Well, this happy story tends to get a little dark when pet owners decide to scour the internet for the best pet policy around, without knowing what to look out for and how to compare pet insurance. The issue is that there are a lot of pet insurance companies for you to choose from and even more insurance jargon to work through. But don’t let that deter you from protecting your pet and your finances.

Because you don’t need to do an hour-long Google search or even panic call fellow pet owners. All you need to do is sit tight and make sure to remember these three key things! These tips will help make pet insurance shopping SO much easier for you.

Read this: Should you get pet insurance? 4 Reasons that point to yes.

What to consider when you compare pet insurance companies:

Make sure they’re legit.

It is pretty scary to see how many scams are all over the internet because hackers and scammers know that most people look for a good deal, which in turn makes you an easy target. You need to make sure that the pet insurance company of your choice is not only reliable but accredited too.

You need to ensure that they are a well-established brand that can easily prove their licensing and registration. This will give you peace of mind knowing that you aren’t being scammed (obviously) but it will also help ensure that you are genuinely getting access to the things outlined in your policy. Make sure to read reviews and contact the company too!

As a little note, if you scroll to the bottom of most insurance company pages, they will have their registration details at the end for you to look at and access!

How do you get your money back?

If we could make this entire paragraph six times bigger and bold, we totally would, because it’s an important one. In fact, one of the number one complaints when it comes to insurance is the fact that getting reimbursed can be a headache. And so, to save yourself the trouble and debt, you need to compare pet insurance companies’ claims processes.

You need to look at how long it will take for the insurance company to reimburse you as this can vary depending on the insurer. You also need to know how the money will be sent over – the best is a direct deposit. If easy reimbursement is a big factor for you (and it should be), we recommend Oneplan Pet Insurance. Their unique Oneplan Claim Card allows you to be paid BEFORE you visit the vet! To find out more, read their blog post: Pet insurance that puts money in your pocket before you see the vet.

The point here is that vet bills are not cheap and parting with that kind of money is only okay if you are guaranteed to get that money back pretty quickly! So, make sure to really read through their reimbursement process.

The cost of your specific pet.

The keyword here in that heading was “YOUR”. See, pet insurance works on personalisation, meaning that your premium will be based on your specific pet. They are going to take a lot of things into account before giving you a number.

The elements involved can range from age, location, breed and preexisting conditions that your pet may have. Moreso, there is a high chance that your pet insurance costs could increase over the lifespan of your pet. This is information you will definitely want to know before you sign on the dotted line.

You will want to know what the inflation rate is and how much your premium will increase annually, this way you are made aware of a slightly higher bill every month.

Final words

It’s important to remember that you need to base your decision on what is best for you and the health of your pet. There is no one-size-fits-all all. We all have different pets, varying needs and several different budgets.

A word of advice however would be to start looking at insurance companies from the moment that your pet is older than 8 weeks, as the premiums are generally significantly lower than if you are insuring an older pet. However, the core elements remain the same, you need to protect your pet and protect your finances, and both are totally possible – you just need to do your homework and compare pet insurance options! But trust us when we say that it will all be worth it in the end.


Yours in Not-So-Average Pet Advice,

The Petinsurance.co.za Team


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