Do Indoor Cats Need Pet Insurance?

Vets worldwide say “yes,” and this blog will tell you why!

Let’s be honest, caring for any pet can feel like a full-time job, so much so that many pet parents have tricked themselves into believing that indoor pets are easier. Why? Well, because they are literally indoors all day. What kind of trouble can you find when you are inside?

The answer: LOTS! In fact, your indoor cat needs pet insurance just as much as your outdoor cat does. So, let’s avoid falling into the trap of believing this myth. It could cost you your pet and your finances.

Reasons why your indoor cat needs insurance

Cats are prone to injury

Okay, yes, your cat has nine lives, but they easily work their way through all of them at a rapid pace. Despite your best efforts to keep them safe, trust us, your cat will get themselves into plenty of mischief, and that doesn’t mean that they always land on their feet.

Remember — cats love to explore, jump, and scratch, so the likelihood of injury increases tenfold. This means your cat is likely to sprain its leg, get fractured bones or worse. Cats can also experience what is often called ‘kitty concussions’, which is common when your cat falls from great heights or experiences trauma.

Viral infections are real – and common

Yes, just because your cat is indoors doesn’t mean that they are not exposed to serious infections. In fact, you might have come in contact with another pet whilst you were out and then transmitted it to your cat when you got home. So yes, your cat doesn’t need to be outside to get sick.

Your indoor cat may also be exposed to parasites and certain insects entering your home, through open windows or small spaces in your house.

There are indoor-related health risks

Your indoor cat is still prone to getting certain cat-related illnesses – even in the four walls of your home. For example, your cat is susceptible to urinary issues. Their urethra can get inflamed or filled with blood and mucus.

Biology session aside, urinary issues come with a hefty vet bill. The financial burden on a pet owner is major as the blockages in the urethra have to be cleared repeatedly, meaning that this will be a regular vet bill for you.

Your cat’s teeth could be an issue

All cats, including your indoor cat, are prone to experiencing serious dental issues. Just like dogs, cats need their teeth to be brushed regularly, and with those sharp claws and that stubborn mindset, it can be difficult to get them into a habit of getting their teeth brushed.

That is why having a preventative dental care strategy in place is essential. From deep clean check-ups to potential extractions, you need to prioritise your cat’s teeth. Skipping out on this can affect your pet’s heart as tartar can move into the arteries that go to the heart.

Why pet insurance is the answer to everything

The reality is that there are many costs involved in the health and wellness of your pet. Some you may expect to pay – like food, toys etc. Others, you won’t be able to predict, and those are the medical bills that come along with owning a pet.

However, there is no reason why your pet shouldn’t be able to see a private vet. There is also no need for your pet’s healthcare to wreak havoc on your finances. To protect both of these things, all you need is pet insurance. It is the best form of preventive care and routine cover.

This way, your furry friend is kept safe, and so are your finances.

Until next time,

The Team

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