10 Must-haves for Travelling with Your Dog

The holidays are around the corner and many paw parents have the privilege of taking their dogs on holiday with them! Make sure you have everything you need for travelling with your dog with this ultimate checklist!

Have you got your keys, phone, wallet, fuel, holiday playlist and your furry best friend all packed? Hooray – You and your dog are about to hit the open road for an awesome holiday road trip.

You’ve made the reservations at a pet-friendly place, you’ve got your packing list sorted and snacks for the road, but what about your dog’s packing list and snacks?

Here are the essentials for travelling with your dog

1.     Water and food

This might sound like the most obvious item on the list, but sometimes it’s easy to forget the obvious! Make sure you measure and pack enough kibble for your dog (plus a little extra) and bring wet food and treats too! Treats might help make the road trip a little easier for him.

Ensure you make regular stops to give your dog some water and a treat. You can pack a special collapsible water bowl for water.

Expert tip: make sure you stick to your dog’s usual diet plan, straying from this can cause an upset tummy.

2.     Poop bags

This one is also easy to forget!

Don’t forget to pack some poop bags for when you stop on the way to your holiday destination.

3.     Collar and leash

It goes without saying that when you put your dog’s collar on, you need to ensure it also has a tag with your updated contact number and details.

It’s also a good idea to microchip your dog. If your dog is already chipped, then make sure these details are up to date before leaving the house.

Discover: 10 Habits to Maintain for Happy & Healthy Pets

4.     Bedding

Don’t forget to bring your dog’s bed and any additional bedding he likes to sleep with (blankets etc.). This will give him something that smells of home and give him some structure to this strange trip filled with new and exciting smells.

It’s also advised that you put blankets down on the backseat to stop the fur from getting onto the seats.

5.     Vaccination and medical records

If you are crossing any borders, you will need to ensure you have your dog’s vaccination records in case of a pet healthcare emergency.

As well as this, if something goes wrong on holiday and you need to see the local vet (it helps to have pet insurance that lets you go to any vet of your choice), then he or she might need to see your dog’s medical history.

It also goes without saying that you need to ensure your dog’s vaccinations and tick and flea control are up to date.

6.     A doggie first aid kit

You can put together a kit yourself or purchase one from your local pet store. This kit will come in handy if you are camping or spending a lot of time outdoors.

7.     Anxiety medication

This is where you need to chat with your vet about what supplements you can give your dog if they struggle with anxiety when meeting new people and exposed to new places, or when travelling in the car. Ensure you do not add to your dog’s anxiety by acting anxious yourself. He or she will pick up on your emotions, so you need to remain calm and talk to your dog in a calm manner. Patience is key!

Read: How to Bond With Your Dog: Cute-Talking is the Answer!

8.     Safety restraints

Pop into your local pet store and find out about what sort of safety restraints there are for dogs while travelling in the car. Just how we wear seatbelts, there are a number of ways to ensure your dog stays safe in the event of a car accident or when you need to hit the brakes in an emergency.

9.     Treats and toys

Reward your dog for good behaviour with some yummy and healthy treats and don’t forget to pack some of his favourite toys too! A chew toy might also be able to keep him busy for hours (Kongs are great for road trips, simply fill these up with peanut butter and let your pooch munch away during the trip).

10.  Camera

You are bound to share some amazing memories together in the upcoming holiday, so make sure you pack your camera to capture some of these! You won’t regret packing it and you will be able to treasure the photos for years to come.

Bonus tip: Patience! Although you can’t really pack this, it’s definitely worth mentioning. Keep in mind that your precious pooch has no idea what is going on or where they are going. She might act a little stressed and anxious and it’s up to you to keep her calm.

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